Project Management Institute

Social impact program: Kibera

In the bustling heart of #Kibera, one of #Africa‘s largest informal settlements, a group of talented #women from YMCA Kenya‘s Tailoring and Dressmaking program are not only #sewing the #threads of their lives together but also becoming the #designers of their #destinies.   As part of Project Management Institute‘s #socialimpact program, these women were given the #opportunity to produce #delegatebags for the recently concluded Project Management Institute Africa Conference. The task was not just about meeting a production target but about showcasing their talents on an African stage. The bags they crafted were not ordinary; they were the #labour of love and a testament to these women’s #dedication and #perseverance. The next time you carry the bag, you are not just holding a beautifully crafted #accessory; you are holding a piece of a #remarkable story of #empowerment and #resilience that is shaping the Africa We Want, one where every woman has the opportunity to #fashion a brighter and more promising #future.   If you have it, you are the #chosen one to share this story of transformative impact created by the #projectmanagement community every day.